Stoke-on-Trent City Council has been fortunate to be involved in a learning exchange between the UK and the US. The purpose is to contribute to learning and knowledge about reducing health inequalities through tackling the root causes of poor health, such as, employment, housing, education and the environment. This approach prioritises working with communities to harness their capacity for health improvement.

This exchange is part of a wider programme and is supported by the Department of Health, England, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA, the International Union for Health Promotion Education and Health Action Partnership International.

Monday 14th November - Lunch

The Bright Star Restaurant, Bessemer.

En route to visiting some local coalitions we stopped off at Alabama's oldest restaurant 'The Bright Star', although we weren't as famous as some of the previous guests.

We also experienced a delicacy of the deep south - fried green tomatoes along with some fried (what else!) snapper. This lunch also provided us with the opportunity to get to know our hosts and learn more about our respective communities. 

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