Stoke-on-Trent City Council has been fortunate to be involved in a learning exchange between the UK and the US. The purpose is to contribute to learning and knowledge about reducing health inequalities through tackling the root causes of poor health, such as, employment, housing, education and the environment. This approach prioritises working with communities to harness their capacity for health improvement.

This exchange is part of a wider programme and is supported by the Department of Health, England, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA, the International Union for Health Promotion Education and Health Action Partnership International.

Monday 14th November - Dunbar Abrams, Bessemer

After a fulfilling lunch we were given a tour of three 'Building Healthy Communities' Coalitions.

Our first local coalition was located in Bessemer and was called Dunbar Abrams.

Miss Pippins - member of the Bessemer Building Healthy Communities Committee 
This coalition brought back into use a community building which was originally a school. This was the first school in the area which taught black children. The history of this area is ever present and celebrated with the Civil Rights movement at the heart of this and most other initiatives.

The centre houses a cervical and breast cancer resource library and also holds regular health talking circles and screening programmes.

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