Stoke-on-Trent City Council has been fortunate to be involved in a learning exchange between the UK and the US. The purpose is to contribute to learning and knowledge about reducing health inequalities through tackling the root causes of poor health, such as, employment, housing, education and the environment. This approach prioritises working with communities to harness their capacity for health improvement.

This exchange is part of a wider programme and is supported by the Department of Health, England, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA, the International Union for Health Promotion Education and Health Action Partnership International.

Sunday 20th November - Exploring Atlanta

We had some free time on Sunday to explore Atlanta so we took the opportunity to do a little shopping and also attend an American Football match! Here are some photos:

Atlanta Falcons vs. Tennessee Titans

We weren't quite sure what was going on half the time but we got the general idea!

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